Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With The First Step.

                                               Whether you are traveling at hyper speed....
  or moving old school style like these nomads just remember that as a human being one of our biggest strengths is our desire and ability to adapt to our surroundings and keep it moving. Any kind of progress you make you should pat yourself on the back for because all success is relative. You might be ecstatic making $100,000 but someone like Steve Jobbs would be furious if he invented a new expensive machine and that's all the profit he made.

  One of my favorite disco/house songs by one of my all time favorite bands "Daft Punk" called life we are always on a voyage, even when you aren't moving your body is traveling through time and you are moving towards your death...while you are here make the best of every moment because you never know what tomorrow may bring.

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